Sunday, August 5, 2007

Confessions Of A Political Junkie

The Good Doctor Hunter S. Thompson declared in his fourth volume of The Gonzo Papers that [politics is] Better Than Sex: Confessions Of A Political Junkie. I too, find that I am just not the same unless I start and end my day with a spike of the good stuff directly into the vein. Upon waking, I do not stumble around for my first cup of coffee, but instead I search for my connection, my internet connection to the websites that feed my need. My need for information takes me to the usual suspects (RawStory, Huff Po, Thinkprogress, etc) New flavors come and go, but the same few staples are there for me everyday and can be counted on. I then will spend a few hours throughout the day lurking around the communities where my people can be found. I read and post on message boards, update my page, conduct research, and add my own snarky commentary. I peak sometime in the late afternoon when my radio talk shows begin in earnest. I join the same dozen or so hardcore wonks in the live online chats as we listen to the hosts and their guests. Two to four hours into my hardcore political wonking, I crack a beer or six and start mixing my deadly addictions. I do get out and live and act with this world, but if left to my devices on a generic Thursday afternoon, I can and will be found pounding on the keys of an old computer with a fast internet connection....hopefully.

Today the world of political 'wonkitude' has become somewhat like watching roller derby. It's messy, violent, they go around in circles, and I'm pretty sure that it is fake- or at least fixed. I am still somewhat of an 'angry young man' and I often have to fight the itchy feet and remain calm and realize that it will all be ok. It will all be ok, right?

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